Monday, November 9, 2009

Bucfest County Jail!

This year we have added an exciting "County Jail" to our list of activities to be in! The children will have opportunities to see some of their favorite teacher(s) and staff in the "cells"! After each Buc Olympics games some teachers will be put in a "jail cell" and have to raise 10 tickets from passersby to reach their "bond".  For children who want to put their friends or parents in jail, the following rules apply:
2 tickets to put a bounty out

the child must go find the person they are wishing to put in "jail"
3 tickets to make "bond" or no more than 5 minutes in the "cell"
We will also hide "Get out of Jail Free Cards" thoughout the festival for the children to find and use themselves or give to someone else :)
Be looking for all of the "Wanted Posters" thougout the school..thank you to Lynette Young for taking all of these for us!

The county jail will be located in the school courtyard!

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